Becoming a 'Sipper' grants you access to seasonal small batch spirits and cocktail kits made in small quantities. Total membership costs never exceeds $89 per pick up plus tax and shipping if outside Sonoma County.
November 2021 will be the next release of our Autumn Gin. Our goal with our seasonal gins is to make gins with fresh botanicals that only exists for a short window of time every year. Harvested while still covered in morning dew and vapor distilled the same morning.
Our Spring gin includes fresh cherry blossom, fava flower, pea tendril, doug fir tips, lemon, tarragon and mint. 15 botanicals in all make a bright fresh taste of Healdsburg in the first days of bud break. Every vintage of Spring gin will be different. Let us hope that mother nature provides us with a beautiful spring to capture every year.
Our Autumn gin highlights the hop harvest in Sonoma County. It's made with fresh wet Cashmere hops from Alexander Valley Hops. It's unbelievably gorgeous!
We hope you will be joining us for the fun! Click below to send us an email and let us know you're interested in joining.